
Whether you’re an NGO, a non-profit, government agency, private institution, qualified individual, or just want to volunteer with us, we welcome you to the TJCT family with open arms. Send us an email with the information relevant to your interest area of association.

Contact Info

201, Navratan Building,
69, P D’Mello Road,
Mumbai - 400009


  • Name
  • Name of Organization
  • Registration number of the organization
  • Purpose of Partnership
  • Nature of Partnership(project basis or periodic)
  • Non-monetary offering (technology/ training/ data/ volunteer database)

Database Access

  • Name
  • Name of Organization(optional)
  • Registration number of the organization
  • Purpose for Access
  • Period of Requirement (project basis/ periodic – quarterly; six months; annual, extendable on a quarterly basis)


  • Name
  • Name of Organization(optional)
  • Registration number of the organization
  • Area(s) of Interest
  • Expertise
  • Hours Available (per week basis/ specific project duration)